NOAW SRL, Italian company, produces professional slicers since 1972. It is a worldwide leader in the production of equipments suitable for all kind of cuts.
Our head office is in Solbiate Arno, in the Province of Varese, 40km away from Milan in an area with a highly industrial vocation. We produce our slicers in a plant of 24.000 mq where about 70 person work together.
Our production, totally MADE IN ITALY, starts from the fusion of the aluminium in OUR FOUNDRY in order to realize all the aluminium parts of our slicers, continues with the assembling of these parts and ends with the packaging and the shipment.
We have a complete range of models: with blade diameters ranging from 220 to 400 mm.; gravity slicers, straight feed slicers (for sausages and meat), automatic and semiautomatic slicers and last but not least our flywheel slicers, unique in their deisgn and quality, with a “VINTAGE” aspect and perfectly functional.
NOAW SRL continues to pursue the values represented by its corporate mission: the customer satisfaction, that is our first target, reached producing high quality slicers and giving an increasingly efficient and accurate after-sales service.
The mission of Noaw Srl, from over 40 years, is to plan and to manufacture manual and automatic slicers for professional use always seeking the excellence in the product.
The values are the principles that inspire the business action and our decisions:
Attention to the client and to his needs
Being a “partner” reliable and competent, ready to pick up and to analyze the indications of the market and to furnish fast and effective answers.
Ethics and style
Honesty, loyalty, respect of the people and the environment.
Correctitude, professionalism availability and enthusiasm in the behavioral approach towards the clients, suppliers and colleagues.
Inside relationship
Motivation, stimulus and recognition of the growth of the personnel, sustaining the job of group.
Effectiveness and improvement
Orientation to the measures and the result to verify the attainment of the objectives and to improve some business performances.
Attention and control of the costs, planning, relationships of partnership toward the suppliers
Development of the know-how and the knowledge, introduction of innovations, attention to the opportunities, opening toward new orientations of product and trial.

See Certification
See Certification
See Certification

The care and the quality that Noaw gives to develop its own job are compensated by some of the most authoritative certifications to international level….
Open the certification’s link in order to verify the Marks available for the interested slicer.

NOAW s.r.l. Via Colombera, 27 21048 Solbiate Arno – VA – P. IVA 00616220125 Telefono +39 0331/219.723 – Fax +39 0331/216.197 – Email: – PEC: