The Company
Passion for Coffee, a quality – focuse d culture, respect for Customers. Here is Krifi Caffè’s recipe for success.
Since 1961, pursuing an ambitious goal: to provide a top-quality coffee. This is achieved through skilled expertise and qualified technical advice throughout the production chain, together with accurate after-sales service.

Passion for Coffee, a quality-focused culture, respect for Customers. Here is Krifi Caffè’s recipe for success.
Since 1961, pursuing an ambitious goal: to provide a top-quality coffee. This is achieved through a skilled expertise and a qualified technical advice throughout the production chain, together with an accurate after-sales service. These values, along with an authentic passion for the world of coffee and constant field research, provide an excellent service and have made Torrefazione Caffè Krifi a successful coffee company over time
Territory and Technology
New technology, traditional know-how.
Krifi Caffè roasting facilities – headquartered in Ferrara – are built according to the latest and most advanced automated technology. Each production stage is accurately supervised: from the careful selection of the raw materials to beans roasting, passing through processing, blending and packaging. Each phase is a ritual, which Krifi Caffè methodically observes

Sustainability and Certifications
Yellow Krifi is the new green.
Over the years, Krifi Caffè has achieved a constant success and has increasingly grown, investing most of its resources and time in technology.
The consolidated use of renewable energy and solar panels during all the production stages is one of Krifi’s environmental commitment, a conscious choice in respect of the planet and of new generations.
A significant commitment to be proud of: Krifi was awarded – first roasting company in Italy – with the coveted Certification Quality and Environment ISO 9001 and 14001.
Keeping the sport wide awake in Ferrara…
Motivated by positive and sound principles, for years Krifi has been supporting some of the most prestigious sport teams in Ferrara: Spal Calcio and 4 TorriVolley, taking part in many amateur and professional social events.

Our Coffee
Travelling Around The World And Through Krifi Quality
The quality of a complex product like coffee depends on many factors: firstly the excellence of the raw material and quality control of incoming products. For this reason, Krifi Caffè chooses the most valuable coffee beans coming from Central America and India, performing a first-level quality control on-site, hence offering its customers the highest level of excellence, at every step of the supply chain.
The Productive Process
01. Selection
The cleaning of raw green coffee is the first phase of processing and consists in eliminating all possible impurity and dirt inside the bags.
02. Roasting
Once the different qualities of coffee are separated, the roasting process begins. Each cycle lasts 13 to 15 minutes to ensure that coffee reaches the right point of roasting, keeping its precious organoleptic substances unaltered.
03. Quick Fresh
As soon as it is roasted, coffee is collected in a tank and cooled through a forced-air ventilation system, called Quick Fresh. This phase is fundamental to instantly block the taste and aroma released by the beans during roasting
04. Silos
The coffee beans are now sent to the silos to be classified in several standard qualities for the creation of different blends. Before packaging, a final check will follow: the taking of a sample for determination of moisture content.
05. Packaging
Eventually, coffee packed in special bags will be shipped 10/12 days after roasting. This condition is of great importance, because only a product remaining unaltered will release its best and most fragrant aroma.

Passion for Coffee, a quality-focused culture, respect for Customers.
Here is Krifi Caffè’s recipe for success. Since 1961, pursuing an ambitious goal:
to provide a top-quality coffee.

Torrefazione Caffè Krifi® S.p.A. Capitale Sociale € 520.000 interamente versato Azienda con sistema di gestione integrato “Qualità e Ambiente” certificato UNI EN ISO 9001 e 14001
Via Bologna 565 – 44124 Ferrara (Italia) Tel. +39 0532 978444 – Fax +39 0532 978465 segreteria@krifi.it Iscrizione Registro Imprese di Ferrara, Codice Fiscale e Partita I.V.A. n. 01075870384 – R.E.A. n. 130473