P.G.I. Delta del Po
I hereby give you some more information about P.G.I. rice from Po Delta. Please consider it is very hard to find Arborio P.G.I. and Carnaroli P.G.I. on the market. In this way, you can distinguish from your competitors gaining new market share. The rice P.G.I. Delta del Po “Grandi” (Italy) is the guarantee of a product that comes exclusively from an uncontaminated territory, preserved from smog and far from industrial sophistication. Our grains have greater flavor and richness of potassium thanks to the beneficial influence of the sea, which only this territory can provide. P.G.I. Delta del Po stands for Protected Geographic Indication and it is also synonymous with the certainty of pure rice, 100% guarantee of the primary variety, ancient and authentic. The quality of P.G.I. rice is certified by the Consorzio del Delta del Po (Po Delta Consortium), which ensures only 100% pure rice. Hereunder I list the points of strength of the P.G.I. rice: 1) it is very hard to find Arborio PGI and Carnaroli PGI on the market; in this way, you can distinguish from your competitors gaining new market share and you do not have to do the “Price war”; 2) it is just pure rice, 100% Arborio, and 100% Carnaroli. Differently, traditional Arborio and Carnaroli are always mixed with similar rice varieties, in compliance with the current legislation; 3) The drying process is done slowly at low temperatures; 4) The farmer has to farm the land in compliance with the strict PGI farming regulation about seeding, fertilizing, chemical land analysis, fallow land,…; 5) Using P.G.I. rice, your Risotto will be more tasty, creamy, and al dente. Your customers will not be able to do without! About the Arborio P.G.I. rice, it is widely appreciated for its features. The grain is large&pearly and increases its volume during the cooking. It absorbs a lot of cooking liquid yet still retains a good ‘bite’ when cooked. It’s used for preparing risotto and every kind of rice recipes. Carnaroli P.G.I. rice keeps its shape better than other forms of rice during the cooking required due to higher quantities of amylose present within. It’s particularly indicated for making risotto and great recipes.
100% Riso Italiano.
La nostra azienda lavora prevalentemente riso proveniente dal basso ferrarese e basso veneto, nella vasta area del Delta del Po.
La qualità del riso di questa area geografica è dovuta proprio al tipo di terreno ed al microclima nel quale questi risi vengono coltivati.
I terreni del delta del Po sono di recente formazione ricchi di macro e microelementi grazie ai quali le coltivazioni risultano particolarmente sane, l’assenza di infestanti comporta un limitato utilizzo di diserbanti e fitofarmaci.
I terreni alluvionali, torbosi e la vicinanza del mare danno al riso caratteristiche di particolare sapidità.
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